
Annual membership runs from April 1 to March 31 of each year. Rates for the different types of membership are as follows, if joining between the 1st of April and the 30th of June:

Age18+2 adults, 2 children under 1814-17under 14
Price£50£100£14£3 for 12 months

This subscription is intended to cover all administration, the newsletter, insurance premiums and activities related to our meetings. The development of the Bath & West Showground site will be funded by ticket sales and donations.

Enquiries from anyone interested in model engineering are welcome. No previous engineering or modelling experience necessary – just enthusiasm to join in and, hopefully, a willingness to spend some time and energy working with us! We are always glad to show people round our facilities, by arrangement.

We provide:

  • a place to meet, discuss and practice our hobby
  • opportunities to discuss railways, clocks, aero engines, road steam engines and static engines
  • facilities to encourage and advance model engineering skills
  • rides to the public on some days of the year

Application Forms

Use the forms below, you might like to Gift Aid your subscription.